Our Team
We have all heard this dreaded saying “follow your passion”; was there ever a phrase more intimidating to some of us? What we should be telling people is, in fact, to follow their curiosity, because those who have a passion are probably already following it. And piquing one’s curiosity is what this is all about because curiosity has the amazing ability to unleash unexpected chain-linked events that make life delightful.
So here is the story of how this all began… Four people, with little in common but their growing concern for a seemingly bleak future, followed their curiosity and journeyed into an eye-opening permaculture design class. The knowledge and hope acquired during this class turned their distress into relief, and their concerns into an eagerness for action. Freshly graduated, and fully invested in applying their new-found passion to their daily lives, they began to brainstorm a series of projects which eventually led to the start of this TransitionTown group. EcoTransitionMTL was thus born, sponsored by a generous NGO by the name of AideAvenir, and helped by wonderful allies who share our vision for a healthy and abundant future.
Through EcoTransitionMTL, we hope to raise awareness amongst our community towards environmental sustainability and self-reliance, through education, community advocacy and involvement, as well as skill sharing and project development.
Son Rihan
My fascination and my curiosity towards food, plants, gardening, and nature are boundless. Though my related skills are, at best, adequate. In fact, if you saw the state of my droopy, browning spider plant, you’d think my green-thumbs seem rather incompetent. This, however, does not prevent my eagerness to learn! My ever-so-pushy inquisitiveness has led me to attentively read (okay, skim) so many books, participate in workshops (mushroom growing, balcony farming, macramé knitting, medicinal herb foraging, natural cleaning-product making, so on and so forth), and finally, get certified in permaculture! That’s right, I am an official real-life permaculturist that can recite every principle and pattern found in nature. Although, I still can’t seem to differentiate poison ivy from most other small-sized green-leafed plants.
Thus my quest to learn continues, which is how I got myself implicated with EcoTransitionMtl, a non-profit aimed to educate, promote and facilitate eco-friendly projects and activities. Through this role, I dream and hope to open doors for those who, like me—or perhaps more advanced than me—wish to bind their efforts with those of their community members, for a greener, more resilient and self-sufficient city, with fresher, more accessible food, flowers, trees, honeybees and medicinal teas!
I'm Ecco, an Environmental Octovist and ETM's Spokesperson and Mascot. My role revolves around education and awareness. I'm excited to learn more about the human world and put my tentacles to work in order to concretize my dreams of protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.
My journey began after a polluting incident forced me away from my home and cost me two tentacles. I regrew them, thankfully, but many of my friends weren't as lucky. Now, I'm on a mission to connect with humans and encourage sustainable living in the hopes of regenerating my home’s ecosystem, and ultimately, all humid environments.
christian scott
I support EcoTransitionMtl with all things related to social media and web development. I am a researcher and designer based in Montreal/Tio’tia:ke and Mexico City. I’m passionate about community organizing, urban agriculture, sociology, beekeeping, and participatory design—among many things.
Before joining EcoTransitionMtl, I worked on various social and urban agriculture projects in Montreal. For example collaborating with organizations like Santropol Roulant.
Currently i am PhD student in Concordia University, enrolled in the INDI program, where I'm exploring participatory and playful design for cities. I co-founded and am the director of a social impact design agency called Mutual Design. My expertise lies in design research, but I'm also pretty handy with the creative components of designing websites and branding.