Education and Community

Our activities are focused on bringing together, educating, meeting and sharing with members of the community with the aim to improve collective resilience, protect biodiversity and live in harmony, together and with our ecosystems. All in inclusiveness and kindness.

Check out our events and initiatives — and scroll down to see some of our highlights!

Spring Cleaning 2023

Our 2023 Spring Cleaning was a real success. Thank you to everyone for showing up, including our canine mascots!

Réseau Demain le QC

A big thank you to Réseau Demain QC and Transition en Commun!
We had a wonderful time at the Montreal meeting in October 2023, contacting more than 35 eco-champions and 20 citizen groups! 🌎

Earth Day 2023

Throwback to Earth Day 2023 where a member of our team joined Trio Orange and Big Brothers and Big Sisters to clean up Hochelaga Park.🧡🧡🧡 🌎🌎🌎

EcoTransition promotes and supports innovative projects that help maintain, develop, and strengthen our local environment and communities. We focus on the harmonious coexistence between people and the ecosystems that support them.