A Special Thank You to…
Our Sponsor
AideAvenir Qc is a foundation in its infancy whose aim is to support various initiatives in the realm of nonprofits. It acts as an incubator for start-up NGOs, projects and initiatives. A proactive and individualized approach is used to provide a pool of resources, motivate and support every unique endeavour. AideAvenir Qc hence provides grants and subsidies, access to various professionals, volunteers, and advice on management, administration, leadership and marketing. EcoTransitionMTL is the first initiative supported and funded by AideAvenir Qc.
Our Collaborators and Partners
P3 Permaculture: People for the Profit of the Planet
P3 Permaculture is a social enterprise that promotes appropriate ecological and social solutions to the collective challenges of today. They are both a permaculture design firm and a school. They believe in high quality and accessible education. EcoTransitionMTL would have never come to fruition without the safe educational space provided by P3.
Demain le Quebec
An initiative started by the David Suzuki Foundation, Demain le Quebec successfully developed a platform that connected all Transition Town groups within the province, thus creating a network where we can all collaborate, inspire, learn from and support each other. They help equip Quebecers who wish to contribute, each in their own way towards a fairer, greener and more democratic world.
Our Allies
Transition NDG, a transition town group that started more than a decade ago, has shown us the ropes on where and how to begin all this. Their initiatives have inspired and motivated us greatly.
Shout out to Maxence Godbout, Lauren Chamberlain, Jian Tang, Frederic Sahyouni and all our friends, family and folx who have generously provided time and effort to help us in various ways…